Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thank U

I am a deeply appreciative person. If you do something nice for me or make me feel good, I'm gonna let you know. I don't believe in letting good feelings lie under the surface because God forbid I don't say anything and then I get hit by a bus. Then how would you know that you've made a difference in my life?

So thank you to my angels and my saviors, my friends and family, my lovers and confidantes for making me the man that I am. For believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. For lifting me up and holding me high. For kicking me in the ass when I needed it and kissing me where it hurt.

I love you.

I mean that.


Miss Kim said...

Hi JT, we're reading each others blogs at the same time... isn'y that serendipitous!
You hardly know me, but I have no doubt you're gonna love me :)

JT said...

Traveller, how did you know that Serendipity is my middle name???

I have no doubt that I will love you =) Any friend of Dixie's is a friend of mine, and your blogs rock!!!

And I have no doubt you're gonna love me too =) Chicks dig me... right, Dixie???

gemmak said...

Second para. is it! :o)

JT said...

Awwwww thank you! I feel sometimes that I can get a bit schmaltzy, but every word of it is true. And people just don't show their appreciation quite enough these days.

Dixie said...

Love ya bunches, Boo.